GIMIALIGN KnowledgeHow should I dress for plantar fasciitis?足底筋膜炎,穿法:每天都將脊米AI 3D智能襪放在枕頭邊(隨手可拿取處),下床前…
GIMIALIGN KnowledgePart Three: "AI 3D Smart Socks": Your 24-Hour Personal Rehabilitation Therapist「AI 3D智能襪」,是脊米「AI 3D醫學科技穿著」系列中的最貼近你我的革命性…
GIMIALIGN KnowledgePart Two: Secrets Therapists Can't Tell.... Is "soreness" related to your feet?痠痛,幾乎已成為現代人的毛病,無論是專業運動員,還是一般上班族,誰身上沒有一點腰…
GIMIALIGN KnowledgePart One: Causes of Biomechanical Changes in the Lower Extremities and Their Impact on the Human Body一、功能性扁平足、足弓塌陷、足踝變形: 足部是人體的基樁,足踝變形…